Day 22 Preparation is the Key

Still Sober and Present.

There were some real tough times. (my 8 year old  crying for his brother and opening up to me and sharing that he feels like his life can’t be perfect because he hurts for his brother) I was glad to be present to talk this out with him and cry with him and hold him.

And some really happy times! (This same 8 year old writes a letter to my husband calling him dad) This was so very sweet. He even wrote him a letter. My husband is his stepfather and we have only been married for 3 years and I never pushed the “dad” issue. This was done out of his own heart. He felt it and shared it with his Dad. 🙂  It made us all very happy! I was glad to be present.
I didn’t make it to any of my workouts and I felt completely at peace with that.  I just took the time to stretch and prepare prepare prepare. I came up with a menu for the rest of the week, bought the groceries for it, cooked double servings tonight so that I can freeze a whole dish in preparation for V’s recovery. This way it’s one less thing I will need to worry about “what’s for dinner, is it healthy? processed?”  With all the pain meds V will be on, we have to be sure he is getting the nutrients his body needs and to help his digestive system function properly. I ordered some pro/prebiotics and other vitamins and minerals. I feel ready for the rest of the week. Including allowing off days.
This method has really helped me for years in keeping up with a family of 9's meals.
This method has really helped me for years in keeping up with a family of 9’s meals.
I hadn’t shared with you guys but for 2 weeks I had already been working out on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 5 am with my beloved aunt. I just need to add some running time on Saturdays to help me prepare for a race I signed up for before all this alcohol getting out of hand and surgery business.
Also the above is how I usually cook but stirred away from it as I researched, read, devoured sobriety. So I am not doing anything that I hadn’t already done. I am just now getting back to me. I like to keep an organized home that functions. It helps me be better able to do my job here at home with the house, dogs, kids and husband and for myself , of course.
Hubby is going to hire a cleaning services once a week during V’s recovery. I am working on trying to get insurance to hire a nurse that can assist me at home during recovery. My mom-in-law and I are getting /ordering all the equipment needed for recovery. I want to protect my sobriety and doing the best that I can to set myself up to succeed. I have a friend that is willing to physically remove me from whatever temptation and I have a friend I can text to pray for me (she is a powerful prayer partner). So these 2 people are set up  during surgery and during recovery to help me protect my sobriety.

5 Replies to “Day 22 Preparation is the Key”

  1. I love that you have all of these preparations worked out. More tools in your sober toolbox. This just means that you are honestly working very hard on yourself even though you have a ton of other responsibilities to deal with. Go you! I am glad you are doing so well and working through each day! =)


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